Wednesday, November 03, 2004

New Friends

The Man has been keeping the door open lately due to the warm weather, this has given me the chance to explore and meet new friends like Graciella the girl next door, she is great fun and we get along famously... I just wonder why The Man gets upset that I like playing there? she has this lovely accent!

I have also met Scrounger and Big Mama as well as TigerTom... briefly... wonder why they growl and hiss at me though... they may think they are big but my tail is bigger and it goes invisible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEHE..... ek sien sy soek nou groener weivelde :) Jy moet oppas, hulle sê mos 'n kat is nooit jou eiendom nie.... jy behoort eerder aan hulle!!
