Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Embedded daggers

What were they thinking? To quote Dr Phill...

What was the Pentagon thinking when they embedded journalists with the troops, did they think they would have gotten a better rap than last time around in Vietnam?

The latest case where a shellshocked marine killed a wounded insurgent (read ENEMY TERRORIST please) in a moment of haste/fear is now being dragged through the media as such an atrocity.

Where are their howls of outrage when a hostage is beheaded?

Where are their howls of outrage when innocent Iraqi civillians are mown down by a TERRORIST bomb?

The perspective of the media embedded or not is tottaly skewed and the sooner a blackout of this one sided reporting is done the better.

Why am I ranting like this? Because I have been in that marine's shoes, I have smelt the smell of flesh rent by high explosive, I have had the cold sweat of fear run down my spine when counting the odd's while tracking a band of terrorists through the African bush, 10 of us and 30 of them. I was trained to eliminate the enemy then tend the wounded, while bullets are being exchanged a wounded enemy is dangerous even when they wave a flag of truce.

This is something the media do not understand, this type of enemy does not fight by any civilised rules, they know of only one thing, die and take as many with you as you can by any means possible.

Untill this is made clear to the world at large the soldier fighting for good is being stabbed in the back by his own media.

I salute all off you Band of Brothers fighting the good fight, I have been there.

To quote my regiment's motto "Deo Soli Obtemperamus"

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