Saturday, February 25, 2006

Spats between dogs and cats

Nicely summed up by Tuning Spork.
As an ardent reader of the Nicedoggie I am amazed to see a supposedly fellow conservative get her knickers in a twist over some choice words... What was she thinking? This is the blogosphere and if you do not like what someone types on their blog just don't go there again, no need to do a Islamofacist tantrum like the cartoon issue! Oh by the way it seems she sucks her thumb even better than I do... Well this cat lover will be sauntering over to the Rottie much more than over to the dumb blonde cat... Damn, that is so insulting to blondes and cats! My apologies...
Oh by the by if the lady in question ever reads this... ain't no way in hell you can threaten me like you did the Emperor!

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