Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Irainian Carte Blanche

The present situation regarding Iran and it's aspersion to aquire nuclear capability must be sumarised by this one simple question;
Is Iran willing to give the world carte blanche to inspect it's facilities to see if the program is really all about providing electical power?
Yes = Then by all means let them.
No = What are they hiding?
I believe the answer is crystal clear, they are hiding something and we all know what that is.
As a South African I am proud of one thing in particular, we had the Bomb, we said we do not need it anymore, we invited the world to see how we dismantled them and recycled the material to fuel grade. This is something I do not ever see happening in Iran.
However I am aslo ashamed that some of our expertise and meaterial may well have been exported to this very nation that is aspiring to wield an atomic sword with the purpose to wipe out all those that do not wish to fall under the heel of islam. Shame on those who did so.

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