Thursday, August 05, 2004

Deep Blue Sleep

Last night I was full of good intentions to write something stunning when the god Morpheus got hold of me while watching CSI... I woke up at eleven in a fetal position and promptly tottered off to bed...
So this morning I cobbled this together from my draft... I was planning to write on the research being done at IBM but hey, never got there... but the lyrics were lined up so here they are:
Deep Blue - George Harrison (1943~2001)
When sunshine is not enough To make me feel bright
It's got me suffering in the darkness
That's so easy come by on the road-side
Of one Long life-time

It's got me deep blue
You know I'm deep blue

When you stand there, watch tired bodies
Full of sickness and pain
To show you just how helpless you really are
When you get down to the truth
It hurts me

It's got me deep blue
You know I'm deep blue

When I think of the life I'm living
Pray God help me; give me your light
So I can love you and understand
This repetition that keeps me here
Feeling deep blue

It's got me deep blue
You know I'm deep blue
"There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep." Homer (800 BC - 700 BC), The Odyssey

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